Monday, March 31, 2014

Shame on you, Kathie

From the sweetest, kindest young woman I've met in a long, long time, Lauren Daugherty, Executive Director of The Libertarian Party Of Texas:

Kathie, I interpret your comment as a threat. It seems very clear with no other possible explanation. Threats such as this one may be the industry standard in our so-called justice system, but are no way to build the team spirit we need to grow this party. Frankly, I expect better out of someone who wants to be our governor. 
I want there to be no misunderstanding between you, Tom, me, and SLECT about anything that is or is not said. Therefore, all future communication I have with you or Tom for as long as I am employed as ED of LPTexas will be via this email list or in public at SLECT meetings.....
From one of my heroes, Heather Fazio, Membership Manager of the Texas LP.  I'll just quote the good parts:
"Shame on you, Kathie."
etc etc etc....
"In spite of your best efforts, Kathie, we will succeed."
Yours in Liberty,
Heather Fazio. 
And they did succeed.  We had more than 80 people show up at the training conferences in Tarrant County.  All the other conferences went well except for Harris County.  When you get a chance, ask Kathie about the event in Harris. 
Getting sick and tired of Kathie Glass drama yet?  If not, Go Here to return to The Whited Sepulchre.  We've been dealing with this crap for years.